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928.501.SAIL (7245)

PRICE: $225 for up to 4 people

DURATION: 3 hours

LOCATION: Scorpion Bay Marina, Lake Pleasant, AZ

AGES: all ages (children must have guardian)


Pitch in and learn the basics of sailing. This introduction to sailing allows you to experience the tranquility and excitement of sailing.


  1. Your captain will arrange a meeting location and time at the marina prior to the day, if it wasn't decided up front.

  2. Bring water (please no metal/glass), sunblock, a hat, and light jacket per weather.

  3. Shoes: non-marking outsoles, such as sneakers. 

  4. If you would like to help sail under the captain's guidance, please bring sturdy gloves.

  5. Life jackets will be provided. Please let us know if anyone 12 or under will attend. It is Arizona law that anyone 12 or under must wear a life jacket at all times while on a watercraft.

All sales are final. Lessons may be rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to appointment.

If weather conditions are unsafe, Sailboat Shop will contact you to reschedule free of charge.


Handling of lines is optional for this tour, but we recommend ages 16 and up for those wishing to take part, due to the physical requirements. 

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